Creative Rio - Full day Experience

Creative Rio - Full day Experience
Creative Rio - Full day Experience
Rio de Janeiro - RJ
2 vagas
Início 09h00
Acessível (idosos, cadeirantes, crianças, etc.)
Cancelamento Flexível



‌‌Through our cultural tour called Rio Criativo you have the possibility of co-creating your experience in the city with our team. This itinerary can go beyond the conventional tourism routes in the city of Rio de Janeiro, taking advantage of more of the city's potential.

‌‌‌‌Conventional itineraries are often rigid, fixed and generally done in large groups. Furthermore, you waste time in countless departures and do not have the power to prioritize the places of greatest interest; visiting time is always rushed, resulting in that feeling of wasted investment; and sometimes there is little attention from tour guides because these professionals have to deal with large groups.

‌‌‌Through Rio Criativo, you not only have the personalization of services, but also the opportunity to access a technical team prepared to customize your tour including places, leisure, unique and authentic experiences of the city, that is, greater cultural immersion to our travelers/visitors. ‌‌In this way, we provide more authentic and conscious experiences, contributing to the preservation and appreciation of culture, promoting the sustainability of future generations.

‌The Carioca Experience...

‌‌In this experience, personalization is our highlight, where activities are pre-designed according to the profile and desires of the traveler/visitor. It's your opportunity to, together with the expertise of the Etnias team, co-create your experience aligned with your budget, style, perspectives and personal choices (tailored). This itinerary guarantees the visit of Christ the Redeemer via the Corcovado Train, offering you a unique experience within the Tijuca National Park. The remaining places can be added, which are within the tourist perimeter of Rio de Janeiro. ‌

‌Our proposal also includes the selection of suitable and registered professionals in the sector to carry out the experiences, as well as the provision of adequate mobility options (transport, including accessibility) for visitors and each place to be visited.


‌When you purchase your tour, we will contact you to finalize the design of your experience.

‌Availability: Every day.‌

‌Duration: 8 hours.


‌You can choose and set the following items:

‌- The traditional route (most visited attractions; specific attractions);

‌- Alternative routes (art on the streets; bohemian neighborhoods; viewpoints);

‌- Routes in the suburbs of Rio;

‌- And suitability (choice of locations based on accessibility), among others.

‌‌Traditional attractions from the city's tourist circuit can be included, as well as ethnic itineraries, which include Afro-Brazilian and indigenous culture.

‌During your experience, count on our team to advise on the entire service to be performed.

It's included:

‌- Executive Transport.

‌- Christ the Redeemer Tickets (Corcovado Train)

‌- Lunch in a buffet restaurant.

‌- Personalized and exclusive service;‌

‌- Special advice;‌‌

‌- Optimized route and time;‌

‌- Cultural immersion;‌

‌- Updated historical narrative;‌

‌- Tourism Guide accredited by the Ministry of Tourism bilingual English/Portuguese;‌

‌- Discover places off the beaten path;‌

- Extra fees (parking, etc).‌ ‌

It's not included:

‌‌- Other tickets at attractions;‌‌
-‌ drinks
‌‌- Travel insurance
‌‌- tips

*‌ Experiences are subject to separate charges.

*‌*All locations are subject to weather and logistics. The tour lasts a maximum of 8 hours. Excess time is paid separately and defined by the Operator. Attractions must be within the urban perimeter (South and Center Zones). Other places (places away from the perimeter) must be consulted with the team.
***Round trip from hotels in the South Zone (Copacabana, Leme, Ipanema, Leblon), Lapa and Centro.

‌Consult our team for details!‌‌
‌ Etnias Tourism and Culture‌
‌"Creating unique and cultural experiences for you!"‌

A partir de
R$ 1.350,00

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Quem faz

Etnias Turismo e Cultura

Oferecemos experiências multiculturais no turismo, com foco especial nas culturas afro-brasileira e indígena, além de outras heranças étnicas que compõem o Brasil. Nossos serviços são projetados para viajantes que buscam alternativas enriquecedoras ao turismo tradicional. Oferecemos roteiros personalizados, tours temáticos e programas educacionais que destacam legados históricos, patrimônios culturais, gastronomia e o afroturismo. Com uma equipe formada por educadores e profissionais especializados, conectamos visitantes a experiências autênticas que valorizam o patrimônio afro-brasileiro e indígena. Nossa abordagem alia excelência no atendimento a narrativas decoloniais e inclusivas, revelando histórias muitas vezes invisibilizadas na narrativa oficial. Atuamos como facilitadores de uma conexão verdadeira com territórios de memória, promovendo imersões que transcendem o turismo convencional. Inspirados pelo pássaro Sankofa, revisitamos o passado em busca de sabedoria para ressignificar o presente e construir novas perspectivas para o futuro. Nossa missão é oferecer uma visão profunda e sensível da cultura brasileira, ideal para viajantes conscientes e empresas que desejam alinhar lazer, aprendizado e impacto social. Atendemos em inglês e português, com roteiros adaptáveis para grupos, empresas e clientes nacionais e internacionais. Descubra o Rio de Janeiro com a Etnias e viva experiências que inspiram, transformam e conectam!

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